Sister Emma Terry travels to Hong Kong China to love the people and share a message of love and hope on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Flying Bananas
Just so you know, they put fishballs in the pizza crust. This is not acceptable.
Hello amazing Family! Big changes have happened this week......
So my area is area. It struggles. We literally had a banana thrown at us from the top floor of a building the other day. It was actually pretty funny but only because they missed. In Sister Cotes last area they were humble and very receptive to being taught. This surprised me as this is the only area I know. Ive thought about this alot. I told her that I feel like a people who are willing to throw bananas at us are more gutsy and far more humorous than the humble receptive crowd. We both laughed alot over the thought but Im sticking with it. Bring me the courageous funny banana throwers and lets really talk about whats important. I am praying so much that Sister Cote and I can find a new investigator. In our meeting with the Ward Mission Leader he asked how much time we spent teaching this week and when I told him an hour he just looked at me with his mouth open wide and said "that's the most sad" hahah I died. Yip, we hear you brother, it is the most sad, but welcome to our world of being female in Hong Kong and pleading with people to listen to you. It was pretty much the most embarrassing thing of my life. Okay not quite, as you well know I have alot more embarrassing, but almost. My new companion is awesome. We discovered last night that we watch all the same tv shows and had a trip down the memory lane. It feels like a planet ago. She feels very much like a sister and I feel thankful God sent such a fun loving soul to me at this time when we need a fresh kick start in this stagnant area. We have laughed alot. The laughing heals me head to toe from exhaustion.
We met this 11 year old kid named Peter last week who got obsessed with us when we met him on the street cause we're american. He started singing all these songs and asking us if we knew what all these American things were and wouldn't even let us get a word in. Then we gave him a flier which means he has our number and yeah he's called us, not an exaggeration, probably 300 times since we met him. Hahah I die. He's so cute. We usually don't answer and Sister Ng said we should block him but I told her God loves all his children and that convinced her to keep him. Last night Sister Cote had her first conversation with him and it was the funniest thing of my life. How can you not love this kid? What if he is my only investigator? Oh please, God moves in a mysterious way. Im not kidding I really do feel a pull to this sweet hilarious kid like dont push him away. Anyways. Im doing good family. God is strengthening me from the inside out. Just like you always say, the situation doesnt change, but you change and grow and it looks so much brighter and hopeful with time. Im so thankful for this precious new companion. She was made for me right now. We are going to laugh and try and work and notice how bright the sun is every day. Have a great week family
This is for those who arent listening
This week has been a special one for me. Honestly, it's been a hard six months. Sister Ng and I have been working hard. We have goals every day of talking to as many people as possible, but despite our goals and even our success in achieving them we haven't been able to have any investigators. It's heartbreaking to see so many people get sooo close to having the gospel and then choosing to reject it.
This week especially I have been feeling heart broken for my Hong Kong. They are so good. They make me laugh everyday. As Sister Ng and I were walking the stairs down to the subway the other day I had an overwhelming feeling of love and concern for these people. We were up at the top so I could see all of these people in the station. It sounds strange but I felt literally called to them. There were so many people. And I just wanted to run to every single one of them. The hardest thing is that they reject the message we try to share with them. We talk to so many of them but nothing seems to come out of it. It makes me sad, they deserve so much more. They are so good.
I have been praying more earnestly than I ever have on the behalf of other people. I have been asking Heavenly Father to please give them more. Let them have light. Let them find a way to be able to accept it. As I plead with Him I realize that He wants the same thing. He and I currently have the same will, which is amazing to me. That is why He is helping us do what we do, because so much more than my surface level love for them is His deep and abiding love for them. In general conference this past month Elder Nattress told a story about how his Mom would read him the Book of Mormon and he thought it was a waste because he wasn't listening. He then said that this gospel is for the boy who isn't listening. I testify of the truth of that. This is unconditional love. He amazes me day by day.
I hope you know (and of course you do and why am I even saying this but I'm a missionary just let me do my thing) that He loves you the same way. I hope you know my good Dad, and my sweet Mom, and my beautiful sister, and my sweet, precious brothers that you are loved beyond any measurement we are capable of comprehending. I sure love you too. You are loved, you are loved so much more than you could ever know.
Show me how to struggle gracefully
Hello sweet family,
Some weeks are just a little better than others. This was not one of those weeks.
There's a song by Sleeping at Last called Son that I love. The words to that song have been playing over in my head all week. At one part it says "show me how struggle gracefully". Also because this week has been kind of a difficult one those words have meant even more to me. I hear the words in my head and I feel like they were written for the situation I'm in write know. There is beauty in the midst of all of this hardness. Mom will put the words to that song on my blog and also listen to it for me. Thank you. (
show me who i am and who i could be.
initiate the heart within me
until it opens properly.
slow down, start again from the beginning.
i can’t keep my head from spinning out of control.
is this what being vulnerable feels like?
i swear i'll try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i'm only steady on my knees;
one day i'll stand up on my own two feet.
i’ll run the risk
of being intimate with brokenness.
through this magnifying glass,
i see a thousand finger prints
on the surfaces of who i am.
show me where to find the silver lining
as the mercury keeps rising,
’til the glass or my fever breaks.
show me how to struggle gracefully.
let the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough
to hold this tired body up once more.
and i will try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i feel the pressure in my blood
building up and liberating me.
so i will try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i'm only steady on my knees.
but one day, i'll stand on my own two feet.
i'll run the risk
of being intimate with brokenness.
through this magnifying glass,
i see a thousand finger prints
that ran the risk
of being intimate with my brokenness.
i was given a gift of hope
in a thousand finger prints
on the surface of who i am.
The work is slow right now it hurts me because we are trying so hard. Literally morning till night. Sometimes when we talk to people they say "Oh, are you guys mormongau?" mormongaau is a terrible translation the church used to use and it almost sounds like "devil's gate church" and so people have some pretty messed up ideas of us. It's pretty awkward to say uhh yeah thats us...but we're not evil? " Once I said Do these faces look evil to you? and the man refused to answer. You gotta have a pretty strong sense of self here.
This is our friend Pheonix and her son. Pheonix is a former investigator. The Chans are the senior missionaries who found her. Because they are leaving at the end of this month they took us all out to dinner together and Brother Chan drew these cool pictures of the temple for us.
Some weeks are just a little better than others. This was not one of those weeks.
There's a song by Sleeping at Last called Son that I love. The words to that song have been playing over in my head all week. At one part it says "show me how struggle gracefully". Also because this week has been kind of a difficult one those words have meant even more to me. I hear the words in my head and I feel like they were written for the situation I'm in write know. There is beauty in the midst of all of this hardness. Mom will put the words to that song on my blog and also listen to it for me. Thank you. (
show me who i am and who i could be.
initiate the heart within me
until it opens properly.
slow down, start again from the beginning.
i can’t keep my head from spinning out of control.
is this what being vulnerable feels like?
i swear i'll try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i'm only steady on my knees;
one day i'll stand up on my own two feet.
i’ll run the risk
of being intimate with brokenness.
through this magnifying glass,
i see a thousand finger prints
on the surfaces of who i am.
show me where to find the silver lining
as the mercury keeps rising,
’til the glass or my fever breaks.
show me how to struggle gracefully.
let the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough
to hold this tired body up once more.
and i will try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i feel the pressure in my blood
building up and liberating me.
so i will try, try, try to breathe
’til it turns to muscle memory.
i'm only steady on my knees.
but one day, i'll stand on my own two feet.
i'll run the risk
of being intimate with brokenness.
through this magnifying glass,
i see a thousand finger prints
that ran the risk
of being intimate with my brokenness.
i was given a gift of hope
in a thousand finger prints
on the surface of who i am.
The work is slow right now it hurts me because we are trying so hard. Literally morning till night. Sometimes when we talk to people they say "Oh, are you guys mormongau?" mormongaau is a terrible translation the church used to use and it almost sounds like "devil's gate church" and so people have some pretty messed up ideas of us. It's pretty awkward to say uhh yeah thats us...but we're not evil? " Once I said Do these faces look evil to you? and the man refused to answer. You gotta have a pretty strong sense of self here.

ll my whole life you always talked so much about Grace. Grace, grace, grace, haha you and Dad said that word more than anyone on the planet I think. :) And on Wednesday somehow your prayers managed to once again send me grace, and this time a real life Grace. The other week I was on exchanges with Sister Hansen finding in our area. We this adorable girl whose name is...Grace! We spoke with her in English because she is from Mainland China so her main language is mandarine. Her cantonese is good but she likes English best. We invited her to come to English class and that night she sent us a text thanking us for inviting her and that she would be there. So last week she came to English class and afterwards met with the mandarine speaking sisters for a lesson. Then earlier last week she sent Sister Ng and I a text that said she would prefer to meet with missionaries who speak cantonese and english and not mandarin. Sister Ng and I just looked at each other in silence because on one hand we felt so happy and hopeful that Grace wanted to meet with us (and when you have no investigators that's quite a beautiful thing) and that maybe we could teach her. We ended up talking with President and deciding that it would be the best thing for Grace to hear the missionary lessons in her native language, mandarin, but that if she wanted to meet with us sometimes to practice English that it would be okay. That was tough. But anyways we ended up meeting with Grace on Wednesday (Mom's favorite Day of Atonement :)). During that lesson we talked to Grace about Jesus and discovered that she has the purest heart I've ever met. She has such a strong desire to learn about Christ. At the end of the little lesson we invited Grace to say her first prayer. She looked a little nervous and asked us "so will I see him or will I just feel him in my heart?" It was the sweetest thing. We told her that she would just feel him in her heart and she quickly nodded and said "oh, okay." Then she said her prayer. Oh Mom, it was the sweetest prayer in the whole world. I swear more precious words have never been said. She closed her eyes and said, "Dear Heavenly Father. I'm Grace. I am very homesick right now. I feel lonely. I want to feel you. Please come to me. Amen." When the three of us opened our eyes we all had tears and I wanted to hug Grace for eight years. Then on Friday she came again to English class and asked if we could meet again on Saturday with her to review what she had been taught that day in mandain in English. When we saw her on Saturday she was practically skipping. She told us that she was having the "happiest day since coming to Hong Kong." When we asked her why she replied that she had prayed the night before to ask Heavenly Father to help her and immediately after she was filled with joy and peace. She is such a beautiful girl. She's here in Hong Kong going to college. I can't even describe how angelic she is. It makes me so happy that she has been able to feel how Heavenly Father really will come to her. He won't leave her alone. I wish that we could be Grace's missionaries. It's pretty sad for Sister Ng and I that we can't be the ones to teach her. Really heart breaking if we're being honest. But I feel so very blessed to get to know her and see her sweet spirit grow.
Thank you for your love and prayers. I feel them every day. Please pray for my Hong Kong to feel a tug for the need of Jesus in their lives.
A Childs Prayer
This week was our ward Chinese barbeque! We were so excited because we had a couple of investigators who said they would come, but the night before it rained super bad so they almost had to cancel it. But by some miracle it was sunny enough that we were able to go and Sister Jung and Bak Pohpo came! It was a super fun activity! While we were there I was talking to two little girls in our ward Gigi and Ji Ching. They are both eight years old and adorable. Gigi isn't actually a member because her parents don't want her to get baptized, but she comes to church every week with Ji Ching's family. We were playing and talking together when it started to rain. They got pretty worried and asked me what we should do. So almost jokingly I said "pray", because I'm a missionary and that's what we do and also I was implying that they pray on their own. But they just looked right at me and said "Ok" and then Gigi says, "I'll say it." They then bowed their heads and Gigi said a prayer for us, right there in the middle of the park. It was such a sweet prayer. She thanked Heavenly Father for our activity and asked Him to bless the sky not to rain. After we said amuhn and looked up there was a woman standing right by the table we were sitting at, looking at us. So I walked up to her and asked her if we could help her. She asked me if we had just been praying. I told her yes and then she started telling me about how she was also a Christian and how prayer was so powerful. I ended up being able to talk to her about the Restoration and Joseph Smith's prayer. She walked away afterwards without saying much, but I thought to myself how amazing it was that the example of two little eight year olds gave a lady the oppurtunity to learn about the gospel. Prayer really is so powerful. I'm grateful that these little girls reminded me of that this week.
So keep on praying for Hong Kong and I will keep on praying for you okay? Love you all so very, very much. xoxo <3
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